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SNEAKY DEHYDRATION You could be dehydrated and not know it Dehydration can range from mild to severe and it affects the homeostasis of your body. Dehydration can be recognized many times because it could be accompanied by thirst that is not relieved by drinking water. This can be caused by medications, too much caffeine, salt, […]


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Artemisia Annua pourrait être un traitement COVID-19 prometteur

The world came to a halt in December 2019 after the emergence of the Corona Virus, which was later declared to be a pandemic. Two years in, and we are still struggling with emerging variants of this virus. Scientists and researchers are still searching for a potent anti-coronavirus therapy for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus

Artemisia Annua pourrait être un traitement COVID-19 prometteur Lire la suite »

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There are fragrances that take us back and there are fragrances that propel us forward.We may not be fully aware that certain fragrances take us to a “time and place” that came and went; while there are other fragrances that take us to a “time and place” that is yet to come.Fragrances possess the power

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